This is my personal log after the first week of experimenting with polyphasic sleep. It will give you a basic idea of what to expect, what to avoid, and how you can implement this into your daily schedule. Make sure to read the full post on How to make more time and boost your creativity while sipping mojitos.
Siesta sleep log
siesta from 17:00 to 17:26
4-5 short dreams
easy waking, refreshed, possible sweet spot!
biases: hangover this morning, Mate tea ~30’ before
siesta from 16:14 to 16:40
~2 dreams
woke up rested, starting to wake up without the alarm
a bit dizzy in the evening, but not tired
woke up this morning before the alarm went off, after 6h of sleep
good energy levels during the day
siesta from 18:40 to 19:06
~3 dreams
biases: meal + 1 beer before nap
refreshed in the morning, good energy
even achieved a personal best in the fitness studio
siesta from 18:00 to 18:26
~4 dreams
biases: meal before nap, first day back to work
had a shitty 6 hours of night sleep (sweating, waking up)
felt rested during the whole day
siesta from 16:35 to 16:50 (interrupted! grrr)
still ~3 dreams in 15’ (!)
compensating -15’ of siesta from yesterday with 30’ of extra night sleep worked well, just a bit tired in the morning
siesta from 16:45 to 17:06
~5-6 dreams
dreams were longer, more complex and more peaceful
got into dream phase faster
woke up after 8h of night sleep with no perceived difference
skipped the nap, felt sleepy around 6 PM
19.2.2017: good energy during the day
siesta from 17:00 to 17:26
(forgot to log the number of dreams, my bad)
DO NOT sleep less than 6 hours during the night if you only nap once
sleepy during the day after 5.5 hours of night sleep
siesta from 18:30 to 18:56
~3-4 dreams
first time I felt a bit drowsy after a nap
Make sure to read the full post on How to make more time and boost your creativity while sipping mojitos.